Secondary Teacher Training Programme
Through the 'Towards an Active Nation' strategy, Sport England are committed to investing funding into support for teacher to help them deliver PE and wider activity in a way that meets the needs of all pupils, irrespective of their sporting ability.
With significant investment of National Lottery money, this programme has been developed to support the training and professional development of teachers, creating active schools where the pupils' enjoyment is at the heart of physical activity to enable all students to flourish.
This programme offers you funding to develop a bespoke project focused on the professional development of staff in your partnership, working towards outcomes based on the priorities of your school and the needs you identify within your setting. It can also help address some of the challenges you may be facing at school in light of the coronavirus pandemic such as support physical, social and mental wellbeing of students, addressing the decline in fitness among young people or building students' confidence.
Please use this page to access all the available resources to help you identify the needs of your school, develop your own programme and get the support you need to ensure maximum impact is achieved. Information available here has been taken from supplied by Sport England.
City Academy Bristol - Cabot Learning Federation
Location - South West
Theme - whole school engagement
City Academy Bristol's secondary teacher training project has provided a platform to support, lead and develop others. They carried out a consultation with stdents and the data highlighted a need to initiate change in the offer to students and the culture for sport and activity around the whole school.
What did they do?
There's been promotion throughout the whole school on what activity teachers enjoy and the benefits of being active.
The PE curriculum has been adapted to encompass a wider range of less traditional/familiar activities and for shorter duration of sessions to increase motivation and engagement.
Girls Active leaders have delivered a dance club.
A non-PE steering group has led CPD on active learning to advocates from each faculty/department across the school. This enabled them to implement active learning within their subjects and share to other in their department.
What was the impact?
As a result of these changes, there's been an increase in engagement and commitment to extra-curricular activities, including a local rugby club, 'Whacky Wednesday' Club and a dance group.
There's been a noted reduction in students who regularly forget their kit (from 18 to 10 pupils) and receiving behaviour sanctions (from six pupils to one).
"We have learned the value and importance of reflecting on what is effective and how we could adapt lessons, taking a more creative approach."
For any further information not listed here please visit the Sport England website.
Document 1
Document 2