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School Games Guidance

The School Games vision and mission sets out our ambitions for young people. The vision states what we want to achieve, and the mission gives clarity around how this will be achieved. Delivering change locally whilst making a difference nationally is key to the success of the vision and mission being achieved.


VISION: The School Games will make a positive and meaningful difference to the lives of children and young people through sport and physical activity.


MISSION:  Putting physical activity and school sport at the heart of schools. Providing young people with the opportunity to enjoy and learn through competition to achieve their personal best.

To celebrate the ongoing investment into the School Games, three School Games pledges were shared at the National School Games Summit in June 2023. These pledges set a course to address the national priorities of tackling inequalities, youth engagement and physical literacy through the School Games. 


TACKLING INEQUALITIES: Increase participation of schools from the most underserved communities for everyone.


PHYSICAL LITERACY: Positive experiences are created and promoted for children and young people.


YOUTH ENGAGEMENT: Embed and enhance the principle of ‘by young people, for young people’.



The focus for School Games Mark 2023/24 remains constant and continues to be positioned as a tool aimed at helping schools effectively reflect on their engagement in the School Games. The award is centred around the principles of the School Games outcomes and schools will need to demonstrate their engagement with their local School Games Organiser. This will be done through the levels of bronze, silver, gold and platinum. The purpose of School Games Mark: to reward and recognise a school’s engagement (provision and uptake) in the School Games against a national benchmark and to celebrate keeping young people active.



The five School Games outcomes ensure that there is a clear direction and a collective ask to the School Games network to work towards the same priorities for young people in Year 3 to 13 across all education settings. 


The outcomes for the School Games network to work towards in the 2023/24 are: 


  • To advocate and position the delivery of the CMO daily active minutes for all young people, as a universal offer to maintain and grow school engagement. 

  • To ensure all competition has a clear intent and creates positive experiences based on the motivation, competence and confidence of the young people that need our support the most. 

  • To have a clear focus on secondary school engagement and transition points. Prioritising delivery in secondary schools whilst also recognising the impact on students transitioning in early Key Stage 2 and from Key Stage 2 to 3. 

  • To support the personal development of targeted young people through youth engagement and leadership. 

  • To advocate and engage key stakeholders on the value of School Games to support local provision and improve the experience for young people and their families.  

School Games Offer 2023/24
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